Saturday, October 19, 2013

This will be a 2 week blog tour from November 21st-December 5th with a 
Cover reveal on October 30th for the book
Title: Factions: Coup d'Etat
Author: Marian York
Release Date: November 21, 2013
Artist: Igor V.

Book Description: 
Factions: Coup d’Etat, by Marian York, is a gripping urban fantasy novel, a dark and often frightening portrayal of a world torn by greed, the lust for power, and divergent personal loyalties.

Four factions rule the great city of Axis and fight for increased control and power. Everything is at stake and every strategy, no matter how desperate or questionable must be considered. Will Minya’s orchestration of forced genetic enhancements on the Leinka faction continue unabated or will Minya, always resolutely loyal to Leinka, seek outside help to alter that course and risk her faction’s dissolution? Every choice will either alter the path to peace or enter a new path to destruction.

Cover Reveal Sign up:

Blog Tour Sign Up: 

GoodReads Link:


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